About Lenalid 15 mg
Lenalid medicine is one of the best medications for the treatment of blood cancer. Patients can take this medicine along with chemotherapy or alone. Before taking this medicine, patients have to talk to a doctor about their health issues like liver disease hepatitis B, blood clotting, and shingles.
This medicine is available in different doses. Doctors prescribe the dose based on several factors like age, health condition, and the reaction of patients after taking medicine or the list of medicines taken by patients.
Lenalid 15 mg Composition
This medicine contains the basic constituent like Lenalidomide. This active element consists of 15mg of this medicine.
Manufacturer of Lenalid 15 mg
The renowned establishment named Natco pharma Limited is engaged in the production of this medicine. This well-known drug and pharmaceutical company started its venture in 1981 from Banjara Hills, Hyderabad.
Uses of Lenalid 15 mg
This anti-cancer medication helps to treat lepra reaction and multiple myeloma. This medicine improves the immune system and helps to fight against the development of cancer cells. In the case of multiple myeloma, the bones of patients get destroyed at a faster rate, and these bones become fragile. This medicine is fruitful to eradicate this problem.
Lapra reaction is a complex category of inflammatory reactions and for this patients experience leprosy throughout the treatment, before or after treatment. As a result, their nerve system gets damaged and disability occurs. This medicine is required to treat this problem.
How Does Lenalid 15 mg Work?
Lenalid medicine improves the immune system by stopping developing cancer cells in the human body. This medicine creates an obstacle for spreading cells in other parts of the human body by inhibiting chemical messenger cytokine or growth factors. This is mainly liable for cancer cells development. In this way, this medicine fights against cancer.
How to Take Lenalid 15 mg?
Patients need to gulp down this pill along with water. While taking this pill, ensure that you will not chew, crush or break this tablet. As this tablet loses its efficacy. Patients can take this medication along with food or without food. But while under medication, patients have to control their alcohol consumption and smoking habit.
It is advised to the patients to take one pill within 24 hours. You can not take this medicine continuously for more than 21 days. After that, you have to leave the habit of taking this medicine for up to one week.
Patients have to take this medicine abiding by the instruction of the physician. Patients cannot cure their problem quickly by taking more than one pill within 24 hours. They can face trouble in breathing or anything serious for overdosage effect. Without the doctor’s consent patients cannot modify the dose of this medicine.
What If I Skip a Dose?
To get a fruitful result, patients should not forget to take their assigned dose on time given by the doctor. But if you ever forget to do so, you can take this medicine before passing 12 hours. After crossing this time, instead of taking the previous dose, you can take only a new dose. Taking a double dose to manage the missed dose is not permissible.
Side-Effects of Lenalid 15 mg
After taking this medicine, many patients experience moderate side effects and these are easily gone away. Patients do not go to the doctor for this problem. But if these problems last for the long term, patients have to take medical help as soon as possible.
- Blurred vision
- White blood cell gets reduced
- Red blood cell gets reduced
- Serious allergic reaction
- Muscle weakness
- Blood clots
- Neuropathy
- Decreased calcium level in blood
- Confusion
- Anxiety
- Dry mouth
- Chest pain
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Loss of appetite
- Weight loss or weight gain
- Trouble in sleeping
- Headache
- Diarrhoea
- Sore throat
- Bleeding gums
Drug Interactions of Lenalid 15 mg
- If patients take a vaccine of mumps virus, they are not allowed to take this medicine.
- This medicine can severely react with these medicines like atorvastatin, clozapine, simvastatin, Ethinyl estradiol. So patients should never take these types of medicines along with Lenalid.
Special Warnings
- Those females are thinking about becoming pregnant, they are not allowed to take this medicine. As this medicine can harm the fetus. Lactating women also need not to take this medicine. This medicine can pass to breast milk and may prove harmful for newborn babies.
- Children below 18 years are not allowed to take this medicine.
- Since after taking this medicine skin gets sensitive to sunlight, patients have to take all protective measures like applying sunscreen lotion or wearing full sleeves while going outside.
- Patients cannot donate sperm or blood 4months after leaving this medicine.
- While taking this medicine, patients are not suggested to drive a car or do something which requires a lot of focus. As this medicine can change the vision of patients.
- While taking this medicine, ensure that you will take a lot of water to avoid dehydration. Otherwise, you can use moisturiser to hydrate your skin.
- This medicine causes a reduction of white blood cells and red blood cells. For this reason, while taking this medicine, patients need to check blood tests regularly.
- While under this medication, patients have to limit their alcohol consumption. This medicine makes patients dizzy and alcohol aggravates the problem severely.
- While taking this medicine, ensure that you do not come in contact with persons who are suffering from the problem of cough and cold.
- Those who are taking vaccines like bird flu, should not take this medicine.
- If patients have a serious cardiovascular issue like chest pain, they should not take this medicine.
- While taking this medicine patients can take vitamin D3 and calcium if they do not have a problem with high blood calcium levels.
- If patients have a problem with blood clots and they take medicine for this, they should not try this medicine.
- While taking this medicine, patients have to be careful about their injury and bruising.
- If patients have kidney or liver disease, they should not take this medicine. Even if they want to take it, they have to talk to a doctor regarding this issue.
- Women have to take contraceptive methods properly a minimum of 4 weeks prior to or after stopping taking this medicine.
How to Store?
This medicine should be stored below 30 degrees c temperature. Patients have to be careful so that animals and children cannot come in contact with this medicine. After opening this medicine, patients should not keep it in the bathroom. Conserve this medicine away from heat, sunlight, and moisture.
Lenalid 15 mg Reviews
Many doctors suggest patients take this medicine for blood cancer. It can increase the chance of the survival rate of patients. But never recommend others to take this medicine without talking to the doctor even if they suffer from a similar issue.
Patients cannot start or stop taking medicine abruptly. Before going to any surgery, dental care, or taking any medicine let the doctor know that you have taken this medicine.
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